How to cancel a booking in Kigo

To cancel a booking in Kigo, please follow the steps below:

  1. Locate booking > click on the booking number to open it

  2. Go to the "Booking" section > click Ellipsis (Three dots icon) > and click on Cancel Booking

    A Pop Up will open  with the possible options to cancel the booking:

  3. In "Reason For Cancellation" > Select the appropriate reason
    - "Breach of Policy" = when the terms and conditions are not respected (payment, renters age etc)
    - "Denied"
    - "Fraud"
    - "Guest Initiated" = cancelled by Guest
    - "Mistake" = cancelled by Agency
    - "Unknown"

  4. Go to Adjust Statement > Select appropriate adjustment:
    • No Adjustment - Use this option if the statement doesn't need to be modified and the total cost of the reservation remains the same.
    • Set Reservation Total to zero - The system will automatically adjust the line items setting the statement to zero.
    • Adjust line items individually - Adjustment needs to be set manually when selecting this option.

  5. Locate Adjust Payments > Select Appropriate payment adjustment:
    • Keep scheduled payments
    • Cancel only future scheduled payments
    • Cancel all scheduled payments

  6. Click Cancel Booking

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